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Pride Of Tamilnadu Freedom Fighters (English)


‘Vijayabharatham Prasuram’ intends to bring out the lives of hundreds of personalities (both known and unknown) who have contributed to the pride of Tamilnadu in various fields. The present book titled ‘Pride of Tamilnadu – Freedom Fighters’ is one such attempt. The lives of notable personalities of Tamilnadu have been broadly categorised under six headings viz., Freedom fighters, Spiritual Gurus, Scientists and Mathematicians, Artists, Poets and Scholars, Matru Shakti (Women Power). The books are a compilation work inspired from various sources which includes some copy right materials also.

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‘Vijayabharatham Prasuram’ intends to bring out the lives of hundreds of personalities (both known and unknown) who have contributed to the pride of Tamilnadu in various fields. The present book titled ‘Pride of Tamilnadu – Freedom Fighters’ is one such attempt. The lives of notable personalities of Tamilnadu have been broadly categorised under six headings viz., Freedom fighters, Spiritual Gurus, Scientists and Mathematicians, Artists, Poets and Scholars, Matru Shakti (Women Power). The books are a compilation work inspired from various sources which includes some copy right materials also.

Vijayabharatham Prasuram profoundly thank and owe its gratitude to all such sources from which the material for compiling the lives of notable personalities of Tamilnadu was taken. With the cooperation and encouragement from the readers, Vijayabharatham Prasuram has plans to bring out the lives of more personalities under the above headings and also personalities under some more headings in future.

Page Count


Year of Edition


Book Language


Book Author

விஜயபாரதம் பிரசுரம்


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